JNA API 3.2.7
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W _


addFromNativeConverter(Class, FromNativeConverter) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
Add a FromNativeConverter to convert a native result type into the given Java type.
addSearchPath(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Add a path to search for the specified library, ahead of any system paths.
addToNativeConverter(Class, ToNativeConverter) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
Add a ToNativeConverter to define the conversion into a native type from arguments of the given Java type.
addTypeConverter(Class, TypeConverter) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
Add a TypeConverter to provide bidirectional mapping between a native and Java type.
align(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Provide a view onto this structure with the given alignment.
ALIGN_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Use the platform default alignment.
ALIGN_GNUC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
validated for 32-bit x86 linux/gcc; align field size, max 4 bytes
ALIGN_MSVC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
validated for w32/msvc; align on field size
ALIGN_NONE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
No alignment, place all fields on nearest 1-byte boundary
alignment - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType
allocateMemory() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Attempt to allocate memory if sufficient information is available.
allocateMemory(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Provided for derived classes to indicate a different size than the default.
allocations - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
ALT_CONVENTION - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
First alternate convention (currently used only for w32 stdcall).
AltCallingConvention - Interface in com.sun.jna
Tagging interface to indicate the library or callback uses an alternate calling convention.
ASCII - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIFunctionMapper
ASCII - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APITypeMapper
ASCII_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions
Standard options to use the ASCII/MBCS version of a w32 API.
autoAllocate(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
autoRead(Structure[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
autoRead() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
autoWrite(Structure[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
autoWrite() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure


biggestField - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Union
boundsCheck(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Check that indirection won't cause us to write outside the malloc'ed space.
busy() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
ByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
Provides generic "pointer to type" functionality, often used in C code to return values to the caller in addition to a function result.
ByReference(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByReference
ByteByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
ByteByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference
ByteByReference(byte) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference


C_CONVENTION - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
Standard C calling convention.
cacheTypeInfo(Pointer) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
CALCULATE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
calculateAlignedSize(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
calculateSize(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Calculate the amount of native memory required for this structure.
calculateSize(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Adjust the size to be the size of the largest element, and ensure all fields begin at offset zero.
Callback - Interface in com.sun.jna
All callback definitions must derive from this interface.
callback(Object[]) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.CallbackProxy
This is the callback method invoked from native code.
Callback.UncaughtExceptionHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna
callbackMap - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
CallbackParameterContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide argument conversion context for a callback invocation.
CallbackParameterContext(Class, Method, Object[], int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackParameterContext
CallbackProxy - Interface in com.sun.jna
Placeholder proxy interface to allow an InvocationHandler to convert arguments/return values on callback methods.
CallbackReference - Class in com.sun.jna
Provides a reference to an association between a native callback closure and a Java Callback closure.
CallbackResultContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Conversion context from a Java Callback result to a native value.
CallbackResultContext(Method) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackResultContext
callFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
callFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
cbstruct - Variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
charAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
charAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
clear() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Zero the full extent of this memory region.
clear(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Zero memory for the given number of bytes.
clear() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
com.sun.jna - package com.sun.jna
Provides simplified native library access.
com.sun.jna.ptr - package com.sun.jna.ptr
com.sun.jna.win32 - package com.sun.jna.win32
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
concatenateVarArgs(Object[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Concatenate varargs with normal args to obtain a simple argument array.
context - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
createConstant(long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Convenience constant, equivalent to (void*)CONSTANT.
createConstant(int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Convenience constant, equivalent to (void*)CONSTANT.


DEFAULT_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions
DefaultTypeMapper - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide custom mappings to and from native types.
DefaultTypeMapper() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
defaultValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
deleteNativeLibraryAfterVMExit() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
directCallbackMap - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
DoubleByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
DoubleByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference
DoubleByReference(double) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference
doubleValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType


elements - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType
ensureAllocated() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Two function pointers are equal if they share the same peer address and calling convention.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Compares this Pointer to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
Instances of PointerType with identical pointers compare equal by default.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
This structure is equal to another based on the same data type and visible data fields.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString


ffi_call(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
ffi_free_closure(long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
ffi_prep_cif(int, int, long, long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
ffi_prep_closure(long, Native.ffi_callback) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
field - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
fields() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Return all fields in this structure (ordered).
finalize() - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
Free native resources associated with this callback.
finalize() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
finalize() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Close the library when it is no longer referenced.
findCallbackClass(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
Find the first instance of an interface which implements the Callback interface or an interface derived from Callback, which defines an appropriate callback method.
findEnclosingLibraryClass(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Find the library interface corresponding to the given class.
FloatByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
FloatByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference
FloatByReference(float) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference
floatValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
FORBIDDEN_NAMES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Callback
These method names may not be used for a callback method.
free(long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Call the real native free
FREEBSD - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
fromNative(Object, FromNativeContext) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.FromNativeConverter
Convert the given native object into its Java representation using the given context.
fromNative(Object, FromNativeContext) - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
fromNative(Object, FromNativeContext) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.NativeMapped
Convert the given native object into its Java representation using the given context.
fromNative(Object, FromNativeContext) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
fromNative(Object, FromNativeContext) - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
The default implementation simply creates a new instance of the class and assigns its pointer field.
FromNativeContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Provides context for converting a native value into a Java type.
FromNativeContext(Class) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.FromNativeContext
FromNativeConverter - Interface in com.sun.jna
Define conversion from a native type to the appropriate Java type.
Function - Class in com.sun.jna
An abstraction for a native function pointer.
Function(NativeLibrary, String, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Function
Create a new Function that is linked with a native function that follows the given calling convention.
Function(Pointer, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Function
Create a new Function that is linked with a native function that follows the given calling convention.
Function.PostCallRead - Interface in com.sun.jna
Any argument which implements this interface will have the Function.PostCallRead.read() method called immediately after function invocation.
FUNCTION_MAPPER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary
Provides auto-lookup of stdcall-decorated names.
FunctionMapper - Interface in com.sun.jna
Provides mapping of Java method names to native function names.
FunctionParameterContext - Class in com.sun.jna
FunctionParameterContext(Function, Object[], int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.FunctionParameterContext
FunctionResultContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide result conversion context for a function call.
FunctionResultContext(Class, Function, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.FunctionResultContext


get(Object) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType
getArgumentNativeStackSize(Class) - Method in class com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallFunctionMapper
Override this to handle any custom class mappings.
getArguments() - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackParameterContext
getArguments() - Method in class com.sun.jna.FunctionResultContext
Get the arguments used in this function call.
getAutoRead() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Returns whether the structure is read from native memory prior to a native function call.
getAutoWrite() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Returns whether the structure is written to native memory after a native function call.
getBaseArch() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
getByte(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getByte.
getByte(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to byte.
getByteArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getByteBuffer(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Get a ByteBuffer mapped to a portion of this memory.
getByteBuffer(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Get a ByteBuffer mapped to the memory pointed to by the pointer, ensuring the buffer uses native byte order.
getBytes(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Return a byte array corresponding to the given String.
getBytes(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Return a byte array corresponding to the given String, using the given encoding.
getCallback(Class, Pointer) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
Return a Callback associated with the given function pointer.
getCallbackExceptionHandler() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Returns the current handler for callback uncaught exceptions.
getCallingClass() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
getCallingConvention() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
getChar(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getByte.
getChar(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to wchar_t.
getCharArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getComponentID(Component) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Utility method to get the native window ID for a heavyweight Java Component as a long value.
getComponentPointer(Component) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Utility method to get the native window pointer for a heavyweight Java Component as a Pointer value.
getDirectBufferPointer(Buffer) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Convert a direct Buffer into a Pointer.
getDouble(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getDouble.
getDouble(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to double.
getDoubleArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.sun.jna.LastErrorException
Returns the error code of the error.
getField(Structure.StructField) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Obtain the value currently in the Java field.
getField() - Method in class com.sun.jna.StructureReadContext
Get the Field being read from native memory.
getField() - Method in class com.sun.jna.StructureWriteContext
Get the Field being written to native memory.
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
getFields(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
getFile() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Returns the file on disk corresponding to this NativeLibrary instance.
getFloat(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getFloat.
getFloat(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to float.
getFloatArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getFromNativeConverter(Class) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
getFromNativeConverter(Class) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.TypeMapper
Return the FromNativeConverter appropriate for the given Java class.
getFunction(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Obtain a Function representing a native function that follows the standard "C" calling convention.
getFunction(String, String, int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Obtain a Function representing a native function.
getFunction(Pointer) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Obtain a Function representing a native function pointer.
getFunction(Pointer, int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Obtain a Function representing a native function pointer.
getFunction() - Method in class com.sun.jna.FunctionParameterContext
Get the function that was invoked.
getFunction() - Method in class com.sun.jna.FunctionResultContext
Get the function that was invoked.
getFunction(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Create a new Function that is linked with a native function that follows the NativeLibrary's calling convention.
getFunction(String, Method) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Create a new Function that is linked with a native function that follows the NativeLibrary's calling convention.
getFunction(String, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Create a new @{link Function} that is linked with a native function that follows a given calling flags.
getFunctionName(NativeLibrary, Method) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.FunctionMapper
getFunctionName(NativeLibrary, Method) - Method in class com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallFunctionMapper
Convert the given Java method into a decorated stdcall name, if possible.
getFunctionName(NativeLibrary, Method) - Method in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIFunctionMapper
Looks up the method name by adding a "W" or "A" suffix as appropriate.
getFunctionPointer(Callback) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
Return a Pointer to the native function address for the given callback.
getGlobalVariableAddress(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Look up the given global variable within this library.
getIndex() - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackParameterContext
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Returns an instance of NativeLibrary for the specified name.
getInstance(String, Map) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Returns an instance of NativeLibrary for the specified name.
getInstance(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
getInt(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getInt.
getInt(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to int.
getIntArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getInterfaceClass() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
getInvocationHandler(NativeLibrary, Method) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.InvocationMapper
Return an InvocationHandler responsible for handling the invocation of the given method, or null if the default handling should be used.
getLastError() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Retrieve the last error set by the OS.
getLibraryName() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
getLibraryOptions(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Return the preferred native library configuration options for the given class.
getLong(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getLong.
getLong(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to long.
getLongArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getMethod() - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackParameterContext
getMethod() - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackResultContext
getMethod() - Method in class com.sun.jna.MethodParameterContext
Get the Method in the Library instance the Function was called from.
getMethod() - Method in class com.sun.jna.MethodResultContext
Get the Method used to invoke this function call.
getName() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
getName() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Returns the simple name of this library.
getNativeAlignment(Class, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Overridable in subclasses.
getNativeAlignment(Class, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
All fields are considered the "first" element.
getNativeClass(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
getNativeLibrary() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
getNativeLibraryResourcePath(int, String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
getNativeLong(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to long.
getNativeSize(Class, Object) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Returns the native size of the given class, in bytes.
getNativeSize(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Returns the native size for a given Java class.
getOptions() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Returns this native library instance's options.
getOSType() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
getParameterIndex() - Method in class com.sun.jna.FunctionParameterContext
getParameters() - Method in class com.sun.jna.FunctionParameterContext
Get the arguments used in this function call.
getParameterTypes() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.CallbackProxy
Returns the types of the parameters to the callback method.
getPointer(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getPointer.
getPointer() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
getPointer(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to pointer.
getPointer() - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
Returns the associated native Pointer.
getPointer() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Return a Pointer object to this structure.
getPointerArray(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns an array of Pointer.
getPointerArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns an array of Pointer of the requested size.
getPreserveLastError() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Deprecated. The preferred method of obtaining the last error result is to declare your mapped method to throw LastErrorException instead.
getProcess() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Returns an instance of NativeLibrary which refers to the current process.
getProcess(Map) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Returns an instance of NativeLibrary which refers to the current process.
getReturnType() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.CallbackProxy
Returns the type of the callback method's return value.
getShort(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getShort.
getShort(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer as a pointer to short.
getShortArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getSize() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Deprecated. use Memory.size() instead.
getString(long, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.getString.
getString(long, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Copy native memory to a Java String.
getString(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Copy native memory to a Java String.
getStringArray(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns an array of String based on a native array of char *.
getStringArray(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns an array of String based on a native array of char *, using the given array length.
getStringArray(long, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns an array of String based on a native array of char* or wchar_t* based on the wide parameter.
getStringArray(long, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns an array of String based on a native array of char* or wchar_t* based on the wide parameter, using the given array length.
getStructAlignment() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
getStructure() - Method in class com.sun.jna.StructureReadContext
Get the Structure the field is a member of.
getStructure() - Method in class com.sun.jna.StructureWriteContext
Get the Structure the field is a member of.
getStructureAlignment(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Return the preferred structure alignment for the given native interface.
getSymbolAddress(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Used by the Function class to locate a symbol
getTargetType() - Method in class com.sun.jna.FromNativeContext
The desired Java type of the result.
getToNativeConverter(Class) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
getToNativeConverter(Class) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.TypeMapper
Return the ToNativeConverter appropriate for the given Java class.
getTrampoline() - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
Obtain a pointer to the native glue code for this callback.
getTypedValue(Class) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Reads the Structure field of the given type from memory, sets it as the active type and returns it.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Obtain native type information for this structure.
getTypeInfo(Object) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Exposed for testing purposes only.
getTypeInfo() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Avoid calculating type information until we know our biggest field.
getTypeMapper(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Return the preferred TypeMapper for the given native interface.
getValue(long, Class, Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference
getValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.ShortByReference
getWebStartLibraryPath(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
If running web start, determine the location of a given native library.
getWindowID(Window) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Utility method to get the native window ID for a Java Window as a long value.
getWindowPointer(Window) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Utility method to get the native window pointer for a Java Window as a Pointer value.


hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns a hashcode for the native pointer represented by this Pointer object
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
The hash code for a PointerType is the same as that for its pointer.
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Since Structure.equals(java.lang.Object) depends on the native address, use that as the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
hasRuntimeExec() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform


indexOf(long, byte) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Returns the offset of the given value in memory from the given offset, or -1 if the value is not found.
initialize_ffi_type(long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Returns the size (calculated by libffi) of the given type.
IntByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
IntByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference
IntByReference(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference
INTEGER_FALSE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
INTEGER_TRUE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
IntegerType - Class in com.sun.jna
Represents a native integer value, which may have a platform-specific size (e.g.
IntegerType(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
Create a zero-valued IntegerType.
IntegerType(int, long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
Create a IntegerType with the given value.
intValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
InvocationMapper - Interface in com.sun.jna
Provide a method for overriding how a given function is invoked.
invoke(Class, Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Invoke the native function with the given arguments, returning the native result as an Object.
invoke(Class, Object[], Map) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Invoke the native function with the given arguments, returning the native result as an Object.
invoke(Object[], Class, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
invoke(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Call the native function being represented by this object
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
invoke(long, long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.Native.ffi_callback
invokeDouble(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invoke(Double.class, args).
invokeFloat(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invoke(Float.class, args).
invokeInt(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invoke(Integer.class, args).
invokeLong(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invoke(Long.class, args).
invokeObject(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invokeObject(Object.class, args).
invokePointer(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invoke(Pointer.class, args).
invokeString(Object[], boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invoke(String.class, args) or invoke(WString.class, args)
invokeVoid(Object[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Convenience method for invoke(Void.class, args).
is64Bit() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isARM() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isFreeBSD() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isGNU() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isIntel() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
iskFreeBSD() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isLinux() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isMac() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isOpenBSD() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isPPC() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isPPC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
isProtected() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Returns whether protection is enabled.
isReadOnly - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
isSolaris() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isSPARC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
isSupportedNativeType(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Indicate whether the given class is supported as a native argument type.
isValid() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Deprecated. use Memory.valid() instead.
isVarArgs(Method) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Varargs are only supported on 1.5+.
isVolatile - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
isWindows() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isWindowsCE() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform
isX11() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Platform


LastErrorException - Exception in com.sun.jna
Exception representing a non-zero error code returned in either errno or GetLastError().
LastErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.LastErrorException
LastErrorException(int) - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.LastErrorException
length() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
length() - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
Library - Interface in com.sun.jna
Derive from this interface for all native library definitions.
Library.Handler - Class in com.sun.jna
Library.Handler(String, Class, Map) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
LINUX - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
loadLibrary(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Map a library interface to the current process, providing the explicit interface class.
loadLibrary(Class, Map) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Map a library interface to the current process, providing the explicit interface class.
loadLibrary(String, Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Map a library interface to the given shared library, providing the explicit interface class.
loadLibrary(String, Class, Map) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Load a library interface from the given shared library, providing the explicit interface class and a map of options for the library.
LONG_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
Size of a native long type, in bytes.
LongByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
LongByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference
LongByReference(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference
longValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType


MAC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native.DeleteNativeLibrary
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Prints JNA library details to the console.
malloc(long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Call the real native malloc
matchLibrary(String, List) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
matchLibrary() is very Linux specific.
MAX_NARGS - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
Maximum number of arguments supported by a JNA function call.
Memory - Class in com.sun.jna
A Pointer to memory obtained from the native heap via a call to malloc.
Memory(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Memory
Allocate space in the native heap via a call to C's malloc.
Memory() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Memory
method - Variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
METHOD_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Callback
You must this method name if your callback interface has multiple public methods.
MethodParameterContext - Class in com.sun.jna
MethodParameterContext(Function, Object[], int, Method) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.MethodParameterContext
MethodResultContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide result conversion context for a function call that is called via a Library interface.
MethodResultContext(Class, Function, Object[], Method) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.MethodResultContext


name - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
Native - Class in com.sun.jna
Provides generation of invocation plumbing for a defined native library interface.
Native.DeleteNativeLibrary - Class in com.sun.jna
For internal use only.
Native.DeleteNativeLibrary(File) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Native.DeleteNativeLibrary
Native.ffi_callback - Interface in com.sun.jna
NativeLibrary - Class in com.sun.jna
Provides management of native library resources.
NativeLong - Class in com.sun.jna
Represents the long C data type, which may be 32 or 64 bits on *nix-based systems.
NativeLong() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.NativeLong
Create a zero-valued NativeLong.
NativeLong(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.NativeLong
Create a NativeLong with the given value.
NativeLongByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
NativeLongByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference
NativeLongByReference(NativeLong) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference
NativeMapped - Interface in com.sun.jna
Provide conversion for a Java type to and from a native type.
NativeMappedConverter - Class in com.sun.jna
Provides type conversion for instances of NativeMapped.
NativeMappedConverter(Class) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
NativeString - Class in com.sun.jna
Provides a temporary allocation of an immutable C string (const char* or const wchar_t*) for use when converting a Java String into a native memory function argument.
NativeString(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.NativeString
Create a native string (NUL-terminated array of char).
NativeString(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.NativeString
Create a native string as a NUL-terminated array of wchar_t (if wide is true) or char.
nativeType() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.FromNativeConverter
Indicate the native type used by this converter.
nativeType() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
nativeType() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.NativeMapped
Indicate the native type used by this converter.
nativeType() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
nativeType() - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
All PointerType classes represent a native Pointer.
nativeType() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.ToNativeConverter
Indicate the type expected from ToNativeConverter.toNative(java.lang.Object, com.sun.jna.ToNativeContext).
nativeValue(Pointer) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Read the native peer value.
nativeValue(Pointer, long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set the native peer value.
newInstance(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Create a new Structure instance of the given type
NULL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Convenience constant, same as null.


OBJECT_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
OBJECT_HASHCODE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
OBJECT_TOSTRING - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Library.Handler
offset - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
OPENBSD - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
OPTION_ALLOW_OBJECTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Library
Option key for a boolean flag to allow any Java class instance as a parameter.
OPTION_CALLING_CONVENTION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Library
Calling convention for the entire library.
OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Library
Option key for a FunctionMapper for the library.
OPTION_INVOCATION_MAPPER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Library
Option key for an InvocationMapper for the library.
OPTION_INVOKING_METHOD - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
For internal JNA use.
OPTION_STRUCTURE_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Library
Option key for structure alignment type (Integer), which should be one of the predefined alignment types in Structure.
OPTION_TYPE_MAPPER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.Library
Option key for a TypeMapper for the library.
options - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
options - Variable in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary


parseVersion(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
peer - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Pointer value of the real native pointer.
Platform - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide simplified platform information.
Pointer - Class in com.sun.jna
An abstraction for a native pointer data type.
Pointer() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Derived class must assign peer pointer value.
Pointer(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Create from native pointer.
POINTER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
The size of a native pointer (void*) on the current platform, in bytes.
PointerByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
Represents a reference to a pointer to native data.
PointerByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference
PointerByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference
PointerType - Class in com.sun.jna
Type representing a type-safe native pointer.
PointerType() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.PointerType
The default constructor wraps a NULL pointer.
PointerType(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.PointerType
This constructor is typically used by PointerType.fromNative(java.lang.Object, com.sun.jna.FromNativeContext) if generating a new object instance.
proxy - Variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
purge() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Force cleanup of memory that has associated NIO Buffers which have been GC'd.


read() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.Function.PostCallRead
Perform any necessary post-call synchronization.
read(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.read.
read(long, short[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.read.
read(long, char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.read.
read(long, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.read.
read(long, long[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.read.
read(long, float[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.read.
read(long, double[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.read.
read(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read(long, short[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read(long, char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read(long, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read(long, long[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read(long, float[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read(long, double[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read(long, Pointer[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying from memory pointed to by native pointer, into the specified array.
read() - Method in class com.sun.jna.StringArray
Read back from native memory.
read() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Reads the fields of the struct from native memory
readConverter - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
readField(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Force a read of the given field from native memory.
readField(Structure.StructField) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Read the given field and return its value.
readField(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Force a read of the given field from native memory.
readField(Structure.StructField) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Avoid reading pointer-based fields and structures unless explicitly selected.
reading() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
register(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
When called from a class static initializer, maps all native methods found within that class to native libraries via the JNA raw calling interface.
register(NativeLibrary) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
When called from a class static initializer, maps all native methods found within that class to native libraries via the JNA raw calling interface.
register(Class, NativeLibrary) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
When called from a class static initializer, maps all native methods found within that class to native libraries via the JNA raw calling interface.
replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
run() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Native.DeleteNativeLibrary


setAlignType(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Change the alignment of this structure.
setAutoRead(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Set whether the structure is read from native memory prior to a native function call.
setAutoSynch(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Set whether the structure is automatically synchronized to native memory before and after a native function call.
setAutoWrite(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Set whether the structure is written to native memory after a native function call.
setByte(long, byte) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setByte.
setByte(long, byte) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setCallbackExceptionHandler(Callback.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Set the default handler invoked when a callback throws an uncaught exception.
setChar(long, char) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setChar.
setChar(long, char) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setDouble(long, double) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setDouble.
setDouble(long, double) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setField(Structure.StructField, Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
setFieldOrder(String[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Provided for VMs where the field order as returned by Class.getFields() is not predictable.
setFloat(long, float) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setFloat.
setFloat(long, float) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setInt(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setInt.
setInt(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setLastError(int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Set the OS last error code.
setLong(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setLong.
setLong(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setMemory(long, long, byte) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Write value to the requested bank of memory.
setNativeLong(long, NativeLong) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setPointer(long, Pointer) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setPointer.
setPointer(long, Pointer) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setPointer(Pointer) - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
setPreserveLastError(boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Deprecated. The preferred method of obtaining the last error result is to declare your mapped method to throw LastErrorException instead.
setProtected(boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Set whether native memory accesses are protected from invalid accesses.
setShort(long, short) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setShort.
setShort(long, short) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Set value at location being pointed to.
setString(long, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.setString.
setString(long, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Copy string value to the location being pointed to.
setString(long, String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Copy string value to the location being pointed to.
setType(Class) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Indicates which field will be used to write to native memory.
setTypedValue(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Set the active type and its value.
setTypeMapper(TypeMapper) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Change the type mapping for this structure.
setValue(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
Change the value for this data.
setValue(long, Object, Class) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
setValue(byte) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference
setValue(double) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference
setValue(float) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference
setValue(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference
setValue(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference
setValue(NativeLong) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference
setValue(Pointer) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference
setValue(short) - Method in class com.sun.jna.ptr.ShortByReference
share(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Provide a view onto this structure from the given offset.
share(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Provide a view onto this structure from the given offset.
share(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
share(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Provide a view of this pointer with a different peer base.
ShortByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
ShortByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ShortByReference
ShortByReference(short) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ShortByReference
size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Memory
size() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.NativeLong
Size of a native long, in bytes.
SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Size of a native pointer, in bytes.
size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType
size() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
SIZE_T_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
Size of a native size_t type, in bytes.
SOLARIS - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
sortFields(List, List) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Sort the structure fields according to the given array of names.
StdCall - Interface in com.sun.jna.win32
Tagging interface for __stdcall calling convention.
STDCALL_CONVENTION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary
Constant identifying the w32 stdcall calling convention.
StdCallFunctionMapper - Class in com.sun.jna.win32
Provides mapping from simple method names to w32 stdcall-decorated names where the name suffix is "@" followed by the number of bytes popped by the called function.
StdCallFunctionMapper() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallFunctionMapper
StdCallLibrary - Interface in com.sun.jna.win32
Interface for w32 stdcall calling convention.
StdCallLibrary.StdCallCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.win32
Interface defining a callback using the w32 stdcall calling convention.
StringArray - Class in com.sun.jna
Handle native array of char* or wchar_t* type by managing allocation/disposal of native strings within an array of pointers.
StringArray(String[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.StringArray
Create a native array of strings.
StringArray(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.StringArray
Create a native array of wide strings.
StringArray(WString[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.StringArray
Create a native array of wide strings.
Structure - Class in com.sun.jna
Represents a native structure with a Java peer class.
Structure() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure
Structure(TypeMapper) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure
Structure(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure
Create a structure cast onto preallocated memory.
Structure(Pointer, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure
Structure(Pointer, int, TypeMapper) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure
Structure.ByReference - Interface in com.sun.jna
Tagging interface to indicate the address of an instance of the Structure type is to be used within a Structure definition rather than nesting the full Structure contents.
Structure.ByValue - Interface in com.sun.jna
Tagging interface to indicate the value of an instance of the Structure type is to be used in function invocations rather than its address.
Structure.FFIType - Class in com.sun.jna
This class auto-generates an ffi_type structure appropriate for a given structure for use by libffi.
Structure.FFIType.size_t - Class in com.sun.jna
Structure.FFIType.size_t() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType.size_t
Structure.FFIType.size_t(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType.size_t
Structure.StructField - Class in com.sun.jna
Structure.StructField() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
StructureReadContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide native to Java type conversion context for a Structure field read.
StructureReadContext(Structure, Field) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.StructureReadContext
StructureWriteContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide Java to native type conversion context for a Structure field write.
StructureWriteContext(Structure, Field) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.StructureWriteContext
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
synchronizedLibrary(Library) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) library backed by the specified library.


THROW_LAST_ERROR - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
Whether to throw an exception if last error is non-zero after call.
toArray(Structure[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Returns a view of this structure's memory as an array of structures.
toArray(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Returns a view of this structure's memory as an array of structures.
toByteArray(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Obtain a NUL-terminated byte buffer equivalent to the given String, using jna.encoding or the default platform encoding if that property is not set.
toByteArray(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Obtain a NUL-terminated byte buffer equivalent to the given String, using the given encoding.
toCharArray(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Obtain a NUL-terminated wide character buffer equivalent to the given String.
toNative() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
toNative() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.NativeMapped
Convert this object into a supported native type.
toNative(Object, ToNativeContext) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
toNative() - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
Convert this object to its native type (a Pointer).
toNative(Object, ToNativeContext) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.ToNativeConverter
Convert a Java type to an appropriate native type.
ToNativeContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Context for converting a Java value to a native one.
ToNativeContext() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ToNativeContext
ToNativeConverter - Interface in com.sun.jna
Define conversion from a Java type to its corresponding native type.
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Provide a human-readable representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Obtain a Java String from the given native byte array.
toString(byte[], String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Obtain a Java String from the given native byte array, using the given encoding.
toString(char[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Obtain a Java String from the given native wchar_t array.
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.PointerType
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
toString() - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
type - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType
type - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
TypeConverter - Interface in com.sun.jna
Convenience interface for bidirectional conversion.
TypeMapper - Interface in com.sun.jna
Provides converters for conversion to and from native types.


uncaughtException(Callback, Throwable) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.Callback.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Method invoked when the given callback throws an uncaught exception.
UNICODE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIFunctionMapper
UNICODE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APITypeMapper
UNICODE_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions
Standard options to use the unicode version of a w32 API.
Union - Class in com.sun.jna
Represents a native union.
Union() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Union
Create a Union whose size and alignment will be calculated automatically.
Union(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Union
Create a Union of the given size, using default alignment.
Union(Pointer, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Union
Create a Union of the given size and alignment type.
Union(TypeMapper) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Union
Create a Union of the given size and alignment type.
Union(Pointer, int, TypeMapper) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.Union
Create a Union of the given size and alignment type.
unregister() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Remove all native mappings for the calling class.
unregister(Class) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Remove all native mappings for the given class.
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
updateLastError(int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Update the last error value (called from native code).
updateStructureByReference(Class, Structure, Pointer) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Only keep the original structure if its native address is unchanged.
useMemory(Pointer) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Set the memory used by this structure.
useMemory(Pointer, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Set the memory used by this structure.


valid() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Returns false if the memory has been freed.
valueOf(boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Implementation of Boolean.valueOf for older VMs.


W32APIFunctionMapper - Class in com.sun.jna.win32
Encapsulates lookup of W32 API UNICODE/ASCII functions.
W32APIFunctionMapper(boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIFunctionMapper
W32APIOptions - Interface in com.sun.jna.win32
W32APITypeMapper - Class in com.sun.jna.win32
Provide standard conversion for W32 API types.
W32APITypeMapper(boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APITypeMapper
WCHAR_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
Size of a native wchar_t type, in bytes.
WINDOWS - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
WINDOWSCE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
write(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.write.
write(long, short[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.write.
write(long, char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.write.
write(long, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.write.
write(long, long[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.write.
write(long, float[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.write.
write(long, double[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Indirect the native pointer to malloc space, a la Pointer.write.
write(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying into memory pointed to by native pointer, from the specified array.
write(long, short[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying into memory pointed to by native pointer, from the specified array.
write(long, char[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying into memory pointed to by native pointer, from the specified array.
write(long, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying into memory pointed to by native pointer, from the specified array.
write(long, long[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying into memory pointed to by native pointer, from the specified array.
write(long, float[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying into memory pointed to by native pointer, from the specified array.
write(long, double[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Indirect the native pointer, copying into memory pointed to by native pointer, from the specified array.
write(long, Pointer[], int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Write the given array of Pointer to native memory.
write() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Writes the fields of the struct to native memory
writeConverter - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
writeField(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Write the given field to native memory.
writeField(String, Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Write the given field value to the field and native memory.
writeField(Structure.StructField) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
writeField(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Write the given field value to native memory.
writeField(String, Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Write the given field value to the field and native memory.
writeField(Structure.StructField) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Union
Only the currently selected field will be written.
WString - Class in com.sun.jna
Simple wrapper class to identify a wide string argument or return type.
WString(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.WString


_setMemory(long, long, byte) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer

A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W _
JNA API 3.2.7

Copyright © 2007-2010 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.