JNA API 3.2.7

Interface NativeMapped

All Known Implementing Classes:
ByReference, ByteByReference, DoubleByReference, FloatByReference, IntByReference, IntegerType, LongByReference, NativeLong, NativeLongByReference, PointerByReference, PointerType, ShortByReference, Structure.FFIType.size_t

public interface NativeMapped

Provide conversion for a Java type to and from a native type. Function and Structure will use this interface to determine how to map a given Java object into a native type.

Implementations of this interface must provide a no-args constructor.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object fromNative(java.lang.Object nativeValue, FromNativeContext context)
          Convert the given native object into its Java representation using the given context.
 java.lang.Class nativeType()
          Indicate the native type used by this converter.
 java.lang.Object toNative()
          Convert this object into a supported native type.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object fromNative(java.lang.Object nativeValue,
                            FromNativeContext context)
Convert the given native object into its Java representation using the given context.


java.lang.Object toNative()
Convert this object into a supported native type.


java.lang.Class nativeType()
Indicate the native type used by this converter.

JNA API 3.2.7

Copyright © 2007-2010 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.