JNA API 3.2.7

Class NativeMappedConverter

  extended by com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
All Implemented Interfaces:
FromNativeConverter, ToNativeConverter, TypeConverter

public class NativeMappedConverter
extends java.lang.Object
implements TypeConverter

Provides type conversion for instances of NativeMapped.

Constructor Summary
NativeMappedConverter(java.lang.Class type)
Method Summary
 NativeMapped defaultValue()
 java.lang.Object fromNative(java.lang.Object nativeValue, FromNativeContext context)
          Convert the given native object into its Java representation using the given context.
static NativeMappedConverter getInstance(java.lang.Class cls)
 java.lang.Class nativeType()
          Indicate the native type used by this converter.
 java.lang.Object toNative(java.lang.Object value, ToNativeContext context)
          Convert a Java type to an appropriate native type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NativeMappedConverter(java.lang.Class type)
Method Detail


public static NativeMappedConverter getInstance(java.lang.Class cls)


public NativeMapped defaultValue()


public java.lang.Object fromNative(java.lang.Object nativeValue,
                                   FromNativeContext context)
Description copied from interface: FromNativeConverter
Convert the given native object into its Java representation using the given context.

Specified by:
fromNative in interface FromNativeConverter


public java.lang.Class nativeType()
Description copied from interface: FromNativeConverter
Indicate the native type used by this converter.

Specified by:
nativeType in interface FromNativeConverter
Specified by:
nativeType in interface ToNativeConverter


public java.lang.Object toNative(java.lang.Object value,
                                 ToNativeContext context)
Description copied from interface: ToNativeConverter
Convert a Java type to an appropriate native type. The new type must be one of the following classes:

Specified by:
toNative in interface ToNativeConverter

JNA API 3.2.7

Copyright © 2007-2010 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.