functional File Reference

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struct  std::__is_location_invariant< _Tp >
struct  std::_Bind< _Signature >
struct  std::_Bind_result< _Result, _Signature >
struct  std::_Derives_from_binary_function< _Tp >
struct  std::_Derives_from_unary_function< _Tp >
class  std::_Function_base
struct  std::_Maybe_get_result_type< _Has_result_type, _Functor >
struct  std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function< _Res, _ArgTypes >
struct  std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function< _Res, _T1 >
struct  std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function< _Res, _T1, _T2 >
struct  std::_Maybe_wrap_member_pointer< _Tp >
struct  std::_Maybe_wrap_member_pointer< _Tp _Class::* >
class  std::_Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const >
class  std::_Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const volatile >
class  std::_Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) volatile >
class  std::_Mem_fn< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...)>
class  std::_Mu< _Arg, _IsBindExp, _IsPlaceholder >
class  std::_Mu< _Arg, false, false >
class  std::_Mu< _Arg, false, true >
class  std::_Mu< _Arg, true, false >
class  std::_Mu< reference_wrapper< _Tp >, false, false >
struct  std::_Placeholder< _Num >
struct  std::_Reference_wrapper_base< _Tp >
struct  std::_Reference_wrapper_base_impl< _Unary, _Binary, _Tp >
struct  std::_Safe_tuple_element< __i, _Tuple >
struct  std::_Safe_tuple_element_impl< __i, _Tuple, _IsSafe >
struct  std::_Safe_tuple_element_impl< __i, _Tuple, false >
struct  std::_Weak_result_type< _Functor >
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Functor >
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(&)(_ArgTypes...)>
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(*)(_ArgTypes...)>
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_ArgTypes...)>
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const >
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) const volatile >
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...) volatile >
struct  std::_Weak_result_type_impl< _Res(_Class::*)(_ArgTypes...)>
class  std::bad_function_call
class  std::function< _Res(_ArgTypes...)>
struct  std::is_bind_expression< _Tp >
struct  std::is_bind_expression< _Bind< _Signature > >
struct  std::is_bind_expression< _Bind_result< _Result, _Signature > >
struct  std::is_placeholder< _Tp >
struct  std::is_placeholder< _Placeholder< _Num > >
class  std::reference_wrapper< _Tp >






enum  _Manager_operation { __get_type_info, __get_functor_ptr, __clone_functor, __destroy_functor }


template<typename _Functor >
_Functor & std::__callable_functor (_Functor &__f)
template<typename _Member , typename _Class >
_Mem_fn< _Member _Class::* > std::__callable_functor (_Member _Class::*&__p)
template<typename _Member , typename _Class >
_Mem_fn< _Member _Class::* > std::__callable_functor (_Member _Class::*const &__p)
template<typename _Functor , typename... _Args>
enable_if< (!is_member_pointer
< _Functor >::value
&&!is_function< _Functor >
::value &&!is_function
< typename remove_pointer
< _Functor >::type >::value),
typename result_of< _Functor(_Args &&...)>
::type >::type 
std::__invoke (_Functor &__f, _Args &&...__args)
template<typename _Functor , typename... _Args>
enable_if< (is_member_pointer
< _Functor >::value
&&!is_function< _Functor >
::value &&!is_function
< typename remove_pointer
< _Functor >::type >::value),
typename result_of< _Functor(_Args &&...)>
::type >::type 
std::__invoke (_Functor &__f, _Args &&...__args)
template<typename _Functor , typename... _Args>
enable_if< (is_pointer
< _Functor >::value
&&is_function< typename
remove_pointer< _Functor >
::type >::value), typename
result_of< _Functor(_Args &&...)>
::type >::type 
std::__invoke (_Functor __f, _Args &&...__args)
template<size_t _Ind, typename... _Tp>
auto std::__volget (volatile tuple< _Tp...> &__tuple) -> typename tuple_element< _Ind, tuple< _Tp...>>::type volatile &
template<size_t _Ind, typename... _Tp>
auto std::__volget (const volatile tuple< _Tp...> &__tuple) -> typename tuple_element< _Ind, tuple< _Tp...>>::type const volatile &
template<typename _Functor , typename... _ArgTypes>
_Bind_helper< _Functor,
std::bind (_Functor &&__f, _ArgTypes &&...__args)
template<typename _Result , typename _Functor , typename... _ArgTypes>
_Bindres_helper< _Result,
_Functor, _ArgTypes...>::type 
std::bind (_Functor &&__f, _ArgTypes &&...__args)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Class >
_Mem_fn< _Tp _Class::* > std::mem_fn (_Tp _Class::*__pm)
template<typename _Res , typename... _Args>
bool std::operator!= (const function< _Res(_Args...)> &__f, nullptr_t)
template<typename _Res , typename... _Args>
bool std::operator!= (nullptr_t, const function< _Res(_Args...)> &__f)
template<typename _Res , typename... _Args>
bool std::operator== (const function< _Res(_Args...)> &__f, nullptr_t)
template<typename _Res , typename... _Args>
bool std::operator== (nullptr_t, const function< _Res(_Args...)> &__f)
template<typename _Res , typename... _Args>
void std::swap (function< _Res(_Args...)> &__x, function< _Res(_Args...)> &__y)
template<typename _Tp >
reference_wrapper< _Tp > std::ref (_Tp &__t)
template<typename _Tp >
reference_wrapper< const _Tp > std::cref (const _Tp &__t)
template<typename _Tp >
void std::ref (const _Tp &&)=delete
template<typename _Tp >
void std::cref (const _Tp &&)=delete
template<typename _Tp >
reference_wrapper< _Tp > std::ref (reference_wrapper< _Tp > __t)
template<typename _Tp >
reference_wrapper< const _Tp > std::cref (reference_wrapper< _Tp > __t)


const _Placeholder< 1 > std::placeholders::_1
const _Placeholder< 10 > std::placeholders::_10
const _Placeholder< 11 > std::placeholders::_11
const _Placeholder< 12 > std::placeholders::_12
const _Placeholder< 13 > std::placeholders::_13
const _Placeholder< 14 > std::placeholders::_14
const _Placeholder< 15 > std::placeholders::_15
const _Placeholder< 16 > std::placeholders::_16
const _Placeholder< 17 > std::placeholders::_17
const _Placeholder< 18 > std::placeholders::_18
const _Placeholder< 19 > std::placeholders::_19
const _Placeholder< 2 > std::placeholders::_2
const _Placeholder< 20 > std::placeholders::_20
const _Placeholder< 21 > std::placeholders::_21
const _Placeholder< 22 > std::placeholders::_22
const _Placeholder< 23 > std::placeholders::_23
const _Placeholder< 24 > std::placeholders::_24
const _Placeholder< 25 > std::placeholders::_25
const _Placeholder< 26 > std::placeholders::_26
const _Placeholder< 27 > std::placeholders::_27
const _Placeholder< 28 > std::placeholders::_28
const _Placeholder< 29 > std::placeholders::_29
const _Placeholder< 3 > std::placeholders::_3
const _Placeholder< 4 > std::placeholders::_4
const _Placeholder< 5 > std::placeholders::_5
const _Placeholder< 6 > std::placeholders::_6
const _Placeholder< 7 > std::placeholders::_7
const _Placeholder< 8 > std::placeholders::_8
const _Placeholder< 9 > std::placeholders::_9

Detailed Description

This is a Standard C++ Library header.

Definition in file functional.