bitset File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  std::_Base_bitset< _Nw >
struct  std::_Base_bitset< 0 >
struct  std::_Base_bitset< 1 >
struct  std::hash<::bitset< _Nb > >






size_t std::_Find_first () const
size_t std::_Find_next (size_t __prev) const
template<class _CharT , class _Traits >
void std::_M_copy_from_ptr (const _CharT *, size_t, size_t, size_t, _CharT, _CharT)
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Alloc >
void std::_M_copy_from_string (const std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__s, size_t __pos, size_t __n, _CharT __zero, _CharT __one)
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Alloc >
void std::_M_copy_from_string (const std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__s, size_t __pos, size_t __n)
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Alloc >
void std::_M_copy_to_string (std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &, _CharT, _CharT) const
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Alloc >
void std::_M_copy_to_string (std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__s) const
template<size_t _Nb>
 std::_M_do_and (__rhs)
bool std::all () const
bool std::any () const
size_t std::count () const
bitset< _Nb > & std::flip ()
bitset< _Nb > & std::flip (size_t __position)
bool std::none () const
bitset< _Nb > & std::operator^= (const bitset< _Nb > &__rhs)
bitset< _Nb > & std::operator|= (const bitset< _Nb > &__rhs)
bitset< _Nb > std::operator~ () const
bitset< _Nb > & std::reset ()
bitset< _Nb > & std::reset (size_t __position)
bitset< _Nb > & std::set ()
bitset< _Nb > & std::set (size_t __position, bool __val=true)
constexpr size_t std::size () const
bool std::test (size_t __position) const
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Alloc >
std::basic_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc > 
std::to_string () const
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Alloc >
std::basic_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc > 
std::to_string (_CharT __zero, _CharT __one=_CharT('1')) const
template<class _CharT , class _Traits >
std::basic_string< _CharT,
_Traits, std::allocator
< _CharT > > 
std::to_string () const
template<class _CharT , class _Traits >
std::basic_string< _CharT,
_Traits, std::allocator
< _CharT > > 
std::to_string (_CharT __zero, _CharT __one=_CharT('1')) const
template<class _CharT >
std::basic_string< _CharT,
std::char_traits< _CharT >
, std::allocator< _CharT > > 
std::to_string () const
template<class _CharT >
std::basic_string< _CharT,
std::char_traits< _CharT >
, std::allocator< _CharT > > 
std::to_string (_CharT __zero, _CharT __one=_CharT('1')) const
std::basic_string< char,
std::char_traits< char >
, std::allocator< char > > 
std::to_string (char __zero, char __one= '1') const
unsigned long long std::to_ullong () const
unsigned long std::to_ulong () const
bitset< _Nb > & std::operator<<= (size_t __position)
bitset< _Nb > & std::operator>>= (size_t __position)
bitset< _Nb > & std::_Unchecked_set (size_t __pos)
bitset< _Nb > & std::_Unchecked_set (size_t __pos, int __val)
bitset< _Nb > & std::_Unchecked_reset (size_t __pos)
bitset< _Nb > & std::_Unchecked_flip (size_t __pos)
bool std::_Unchecked_test (size_t __pos) const
reference std::operator[] (size_t __position)
bool std::operator== (const bitset< _Nb > &__rhs) const
bool std::operator!= (const bitset< _Nb > &__rhs) const
bitset< _Nb > std::operator<< (size_t __position) const
bitset< _Nb > std::operator>> (size_t __position) const
template<size_t _Nb>
bitset< _Nb > std::operator& (const bitset< _Nb > &__x, const bitset< _Nb > &__y)
template<size_t _Nb>
bitset< _Nb > std::operator| (const bitset< _Nb > &__x, const bitset< _Nb > &__y)
template<size_t _Nb>
bitset< _Nb > std::operator^ (const bitset< _Nb > &__x, const bitset< _Nb > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , size_t _Nb>
std::basic_istream< _CharT,
_Traits > & 
std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, bitset< _Nb > &__x)
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , size_t _Nb>
std::basic_ostream< _CharT,
_Traits > & 
std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const bitset< _Nb > &__x)


return * std::this

Detailed Description

This is a Standard C++ Library header.

Definition in file bitset.