GEO1OO - Earth, The Human HomeDr. Rodrick A. Hay
Test Review #3Fall 2004

The following is an outline of topics covered in class. All material covered in class, whether presented here or not, is fair game for the test. Textbook material from Chapter #8 Agriculture and Food Production, and Chapter #9 The Politics of Territory and Space will be used on the test.

Review all bolded words in the Chapters

Chapter #8 - Agriculture and Food Production
Agriculture historically human's number one activity
Types of Agriculture, know major crops, location and whether they are subsistence (sub) or commercial (com)
Shifting agriculture - inter-tillage, subsistence, cycle 4-5yrs use, 10-20yrs fallow, more calories provides than expended when compared to hightech.
Rice paddy farming - rice, sub and com, high output
Peasant grain, root and livestock farming - colder areas unsuitable for farming, sub.
Mediterranean agriculture - winter wheat and barley, historically sub, vine and tree (grape and olive), sheep and goats
Nomadic herding - desert steppe and savannas, sub,
Plantation ag - tropics/subtropics, Indonesia, commercial, mechanization/labor problems
Market gardening (truck farms) - com, developed countries, fruits and vegetables, quick transport to market
Commercial livestock fattennig - feedlots, com, NOT efficient.
Commercial grain farming - com, wheat, large scale single crop, AGRIbusiness, suitcase farms
Commercial Dairying - com, close to market-fluid products (milk), far from market-cheese, butter.
Livestock ranching - individual vs. nomadic tribe, com, Argentina, western US
Plant domestication
vegetative reproduction, seed, nature
bigger is better (beefalo and corn on the cob)
Carl Sauer - placed early domestication in SE Asia, Current "burned rice" theory places "rice" origin in China
Von Thunen - Estate landlord designing the Isolated State Model

Chapter #9 - The Politics of Territory and Space
Political Geography - study of borders, includes balance of power, jurisdictions and spatial structures based on physical and cultural variables
State - (political structure) self governed group occupying a defined territory, States characteristics or aspects - has borders, has a central government, collects taxes, enforces laws, regulates production
Nation - (people) group united by a common culture
Nation State - culture region organized to function politically
Characteristics that effect Unity
Size - too large, too small (not enough resources)
Shapes - elongated (Chile), compact (Hungary), perforated (South Africa), fragmented (Japan)
Cultural regions - voting behavior, follows natural cleavages, gerrymandering tries
Borders - natural (physical), ethnic and geometric
Political Landscapes
Physical representation of borders - Great Wall, clear cutting forest (Sweden and Norway)
Physical representation of 'states' - Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Eiffel Tower
Folk fortress - natural physical boundaries providing natural defenses
Heartland Theory - Halford MacKinder, Eurasia heartland would take over rimland and dominate the world