GEO 100, Earth, The Human Home Dr. Rodrick A. Hay
Test Review #l Fall 2004

The test will be a Scantron test of 50 questions. Bring a scantron form, a number 2 pencil, and an eraser.

The test will cover maps and material in Chapter #l, Chapter #2, and Chapter #3. All material covered in class, or in the textbook, whether presented here or not, is fair game for the test. Review bolded words and diagrams in the chapters. The topics below were emphasized:

Geographic Grids

Latitude - units, range (0° - 90°, N and S), Longitude - units, range (0° - 180°, E and W)
Finding places using your atlas
Source of latitude and longitude, Ptolemy (angular measurement)
Special lines of latitude and longitude: equator, prime meridian, tropic of cancer, tropic of Capricorn, arctic circle, Antarctic circle
Themes of maps
What maps should have

Definition of cultural geography - application of culture to the study of the Earth's surface, the compliment to physical geography
Definitiom of culture - learned ideas and practice including speech, ideology, technology, values. NOT physical traits such as height, weight, hair color, eye color, and skin color.
Diffusion - contagious, hierarchical, relocation
Barriers to diffusion, absorbing and permeable
Time - distance decay
Power of place (churches, Pearl Harbor), seating in psychotherapy
Globalization - increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world
Globalization impacts economics (multinational trade), environment (pollution), politics, and culture (KFC in India)
Remote sensing and GIS - tools to see Earth
Spatial analysis - location, distance, space, accessibility, and spatial interaction
Developing a geographical imagination - capacity to understand changing patterns, changing processes, and relationships

Globalization - increasing political, economic, environmental and cultural interconnectedness
Emergence of a world system - dominant core countries, dominated peripheral countries
Globalization includes 1. recent international migration, 2. spread of the capitalistic system, 3. displacement of traditional political, economic, and cultural systems, 4. transnational environmental problems, 5. widening gulf between rich and poor, 6. cultural hybridization, 7. political interconnectedness through colonialism, warfare, and supranational organizations, 8. global hierarchy of cultural influence, and 9. resistance to global domination.


Demography - statistical analysis of human populations. World's population 6.4 billion
census, every 10 years to apportion congressional representation
reasons for uneven distribution (hot, cold, ocean, hazardous)
Population density, Asia 61%, Africa 13%, N. America 5%, Latin America 8.5%, Europe 12%, Australia (Pac Is) 0.5%
Physiological Density, 'S' shaped curve
Natality (birth rate), greater in less developed countries, correlates with the lower status of women
Mortality (death rates), related to birth rates, decreasing, especially in industrialized world decreases correlate with tech/medical development, older populations
Population Explosion, 'J' shaped curve
Thomas Malthus - "Essay on the Principles of Population", Neomalthusians vs. Cornucopians
Age and gender distributions, population pyramids, population equation
Standard of Living - measurements
Migration regions, push-pull factors
Population Density and Environmental Alteration, resource consumption
Migration - geography concerned with large movement, voluntary, forced, relocation migration