March 19, 2004
startx = start windows from command line	NOT
March 18, 2004
Read lilo documentation about password & restricted. Lilo is not secure
dhelp     finds and reads all doc on computer          http://localhost/doc/HTML/index.html
                         Or   file://localhost/usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html
doc-base  manages debian docs				[command not found for jim & root on 3-19-04]
beancounter         checks stock prices
doc-central         browse documentation on machine	["command not found" for jim & root on 3-19-04]
mailto              apache
locales are set wi  /etc/locale-gen
statd uses tcwrappers    to configure program "statd" in /etc/hosts.allow & hosts.deny
dpkg--reconfigure cdrecord    about suid security
/etc/apache(-ssl)/access.conf      #Disable execution of dpkg from remote hosts
interchange server  user jim  group is interchange
/etc/kde2/kdm/Xservers   to change dpi
/etc.X11/XF86config-4, /etc/X11/fs/config, /etc.X11/fs-xtt/config          make
     FontPath /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID
     FontPath /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType
apache-ssl & gs-common failed. /usr/bin/dpkg returned errors. Please fix them and run [I]nstall again
     apache came back at least 7 times with new modules and reconfigured
gpmconfig to repair mouse
web page at /var/www
cgi user jim
host name = debian
apache(-ssl) failed again	[dselect remove apache(-ssl) 3-18-04]
make config
ftp Server security issues README.Debian


Change made to /etc/init.d/gdm     &
video mode          /etc/X11/XF86Config-4


January 23, 2004

if "myhostname" then myhostname

User: debian-sys-maint

Network disabled, restore in   /etc/mysql/my.cnf


Permissions: /var/lib/mysql        GID's other than root and mysql = mysql

User:          jim

configure samba     smb.conf  through   debconf

Command:  smbpasswd at /etc/samba/smbpasswd

ftp server attacks  READMED.Debian

Apache Servername

magicfilterconfig   to setup print cap


exim mail system    /usr/share/doc/exim/spec.txt

mail direction for postmaster and root edited at  /etc/aliases

multi tasking  

base-config    =    configuration of base system	[not jim 3-29-04]
hosts							[not jim 3-29-04]

1) tried to add     /opt/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2/bin       to   /etc/manpath.config
     it didn't work. Left it. Will come back later
2) added  /opt/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2/bin       to path in     /etc/profile
3)   .bash_profile       path="${PATH}:/opt/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2/bin"
none of these work.

/etc/kde2/kdm/kdmrc line 197  added      :/opt/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2/bin
/etc/gdm/gdm.conf   line 10, 25    added      :/opt/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2/bin     DID NOTH
/etc/apache/httpd.conf   changed DocumentRoot, line 338 & 364
/etc/apache/httpd.conf   allow access/doc    all  line 953
/etc/apache/httpd.conf   AddType/AddHandler  lines 803 - 804

PHP  need to uncomment lines 250 & 779-780

Browsers don't know how to display .java files. Tried  /etc/apache/httpd.conf
     Addtype/Handler  text/java .java   line 805 - 806. Didn't work, canceled.
/etc/apache    Text2html_module    line 261

want mozilla on debian computer to access my welcome page, not apaches user welcome page
/etc/apache/httpd.conf   remarked /usrdir_module  line 223
/etc/apache/httpd.conf    changed DefaultType text/html     line 478
/etc/apache/httpd.conf   remarked dav_module line 241
/etc/apache/httpd.conf   AddHandler     cgi-script     line 798

Adding NTP     /etc/ntp.conf

From Ryan to see why two web pages are running,        netstat -anp | less
 to get a listing of what processes are listening on which ports.

chown -R jim /var/www
/etc/apache/httpd.conf   put DocumentRoot back to /var/www  lines 337 & 362

Trying for mysql4.0 again.
Set the password for mysql root user. See /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/README.Debian
to enable networking, comment out  skip-networking     in   /etc/mysql/my.cnf
samba is NETBEUI
/var/cache/apt/archives  dpkg -i
/usr/share/doc/phpgroupware/README.Debian    Upgrade / Install issues
phpgroupware 'Header Admin' password         lynch
phpgroupware DB host name                    debian
phpgroupware DBMS administrator              root
phpgroupware user name                  phpgroupware

***smbpasswd must be set /etc/samba/smbpasswd
errors seting up gdm, run dselect install again
***debconf samba         setup samba
/etc/kde2/kdm/Xservers   for dpi

no gui
apt-get remove gdm kdm
ftp is not running
apt-get reconfigure kdm xdm
telnet NOT running
samba network NOT
must run apt-get update
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp          for downloaded files
removed phpgroupware to isolate apache NOT
6:00 PM		Got it all back
I have major problems with the common data base for apt-get and dselect.

I can't seem to get debian's mysql 4.0. I'm stuck with 3.23. I can
download it seperatly but then I would also have to get PHP seperatly.
I don't want to do that.

/etc/apache/httpd.conf line 783 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

bypassed dselect with apt-get, installed
	1 alsa-base			I have no idea what this is
	2 dpkg-reconfigure atlas2-3dnow
	3 dpkg-reconfigure atlas2-sse
	4 dpkg-reconfigure atlas2-sse2
	5 added then removed kooka		scanner software that
						comes with a warning,
						it will fry the scanner.

7-6-04 must read "Linux Network Administrators' Guide"

Changing to lcd monitor. Resetting /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
with dexconf, the DEBCONF utility by typing the command
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86.
"lspci" gives you SiS chipset information. Audio and video
chipsets are there.

Lots of upgrades, apt-get and dselect complained about
a missing file and refused to do that. Used "aptitude" to get the
list and then apt-get install.

changed /etc/java-vm to read /usr/local/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2/bin/java
instead of /usr/bin/kaffe

Changed "Document Root" from "/var/www/" to "/home/jim/www/" in
"/etc/apache/httpd.conf", in 3 places.